EcoMobility Masterplan
Parc Bit, Mallorca
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PostCar Parc BIT Campus
The new Public Space of Parc BIT is based on improving the mobility of the whole campus towards an Ecomobility and reinforce the ‘Wildlife Managment’ Strategy that Richard Rogers envisions in order to save the natural resources of the site such as the water, the animals, the forest, etc. In terms of traffic and in terms of landscape engineering, the whole site adapted to a design completely linked with ecological rules, based on efficient strategies that many other thinkers of the ecological transition, have tested in some european cities and even Campus, such as Salvador Rueda or Felix Guattari.
First of all the proposal turns the inner paths of Parc BIT Campus to soft paths, controlling the direction and making them more efficient. That means that you can move by bicycle, by golf carts, by kick scooter or any other non heavy or electric mobility device that assures to provide universal accessibility. As an additional value this new way to connect the campus will produce less air and acoustic pollution, improving the quality of the natural site.
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To arrive at Parc BIT Campus
The Parc Bit Station is embracing the UIB Campus, by creating concentrated shadows, growing more density of trees close to the main road and the bike path. The roundabout is considered as a new space for articulating the new entrance. And finally, the new Station is also creating an additional bike path that linked the South of the Parc BIT with the UIB for the future growing of the zoning map.
The aim of the station space is keep working in order that the Parc Bit increases its task of the “Energy Production Centre” as follows: the domes are designed as mirror solar energy system named “CoolEarth Solar”, the Ecological Stations function as cisterns that allow to keep collecting the water and also four more triangular shape surface with solar panels are added, all of that highlights the importance of the sustainable energy production. All the energy systems are articulating the whole elements (the old and the new structures) as a common set.
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To sleep inside the ‘Marés’
The Housing is designed by climate and thermodynamic methods. On the one hand it is considered the local weather conditions, that is why the most flexible façade is facing the South and the thicker limestone stalls are facing the North. On the other hand, local techniques are used in order to design the South façade made with ‘Mallorquinas’ windows and with typical green colour, and combining a structural wall made of ‘Marés’ stone with the limestone wall. The Marés stone wall is embracing the mallorquinas windows and it is carved and eroded in it thickness. This carved and erosion are allowing to locate in the heart of this wall stone many of the domestic furniture and facilities.
The bottom of the residence building is linked to the landscape and the forest by maintaining the natural slope with a platform that enables to enjoy it as a public gather space to play sport, meet friends or also for some small retail shops or restaurants. There are also located in this platform, dining rooms and sharing kitchens, so gastronomy space is concentrated in the basement, this makes it possible to use de entire apartment as a resting or working space.
The whole building is working as a chimney system contributing to a better ventilation by the ETFE dome located in the rooftop that regulates solar radiation due to the installation of a “CoolEarth Solar” system, that it is a technological and innovative way to produce solar energy with a solar inflatable balloon, consequently on this rooftop is located a garden that improves the thermal exchange
Authors /// AMAA arquitectos + Magicarch office
Colaborators /// Natalia Gómez (Magicarch office) , María Escribano (Magicarch office)
Location /// Parc Bit, Palma, Mallorca.
Client /// Europan 15